"Adventure & Create" in 2018

"Little by little, one travels far" - J.R.R Tolkien 


Happy New Year!  Recently, I've read about choosing a focus word for each new year as opposed to creating resolutions. It seems a really interesting premise, so, having thought about what I'd like to achieve in 2018, I've decided to give it a go myself with:

Adventure & Create. 

I couldn't decide on just one word as these two resonated so strongly with me recently. I think they go hand in hand really, so I'm excited about how this year will turn out. Some of the goals for this year I did think about were to try and experience life more actively - we're currently looking at buying  a car this year and want to travel, visit new places on day trips and spend more time with friends and family hence 'Adventure'. I'd also like to work on opening an online shop and set aside more 'creative' time, either for the shop or planning regular photo shoots for Instagram. 

I'm feeling positive about these two words so what better way to start the new year than a New Year's Photoshoot with my all time favourite adventure buddy ? 
